New Year's Eve is a bittersweet night, one year older, a new year ahead. It is also a night filled with many traditions like:
- Countdown
- Time Square
- Drinking
- Partying
1. Eating 12 Grapes at midnight, one for each month ahead, for good luck
2. Spinning Suitcase - It's tradition to grab a suitcase and spin it around in all directions as a symbol for safe travel. - LOL - Very hickish but funny
3. Malo Pa Fuera (my favorite)- filling a pot of water and throwing it our door. It symbolizes throwing out the past year's bad luck and starting anew
So ghetto - so fun
So for my final blog of
the Year I would like to do a Malo Pa Fuera for Softball 2014
Top Ten Malo Pa
Fuera for Softball 2014
10. Candela - Thanks
for ruining my Saturday's Softball Arod. Fucked up a good thing
9. Three Last Inning
Championship Losses - Old School, Weintraub, and Old School Fall.
"I've always said "losing hurts more than winning feels good".
These always stay with you
8. Slumps and lack of
Clutch Hits- Learn from it. Adjust. Overcome. Courage, Confidence
7. Big Apple League Shrinkage
- Has to be corrected. Softball will not die on my watch.
4. Selfish People -I'm done with them. Team 1st
only. Ironically, sometimes you have to selfish to put the team first. A
mistake I've made for years.
3. Softball Drama - playing
time, egos, inconvenience, head cases - Pa Fuera
2. Leaving the Rangers -
it was mutually beneficial for both sides. Just something bad about how it all
ended. Good people over there. Never got that Big Apple title for them.
and the #1 Malo
Pa Fuera for Softball 2014
1, Unfairly Being Left
Out - Sucks when you do well and left out b/c of politics or numbers game. I
can understand loyalty, defense, or talent. But getting left out for
"other reasons" is wack (see #4).
SB Malo Pa Fuera!!!!!!!
Now while 2014 had its
bad points I would be remiss and be an overall "Softball Debbie Downer"
if I didn't mention many good people and moments as well like:
- Old School Upset of undefeated classy McHale's on
- Softball Cancer Tournament
- The Return of Inwood in Inwood
- Batting Title
- 2 Championships
And of course wonderful
people and teammates like:
- Glenn R - great guy
- Eric Brown
- Angelo Gonzalez - never thought he would make this
list. I was wrong.
- Entire Choice Parts -Miranda, Chino,
Mickey P, Francis, Mickey P, Eric Z , Kip, Sandy Clay, everyone, etc -
everything just clicked
- Gil Jr - "Like Father Like Son" does not
- Jimmy Myers - Thorwback.
- Old School Tuesdays - Richie, Andy, Kirk Albie and all the other crazies (including me)
- Chris "Kennedy" and Bob - Charter Fabric
- Entire Ronda's Grocery Team - Knuckle Lou was awesome. Thank you Dio and Blonde
- Jose "Skywalker" Martinez - great future
- Carlos Ramirez and Sito - just awesome A+ players
- Guby - yeah I love Guby even though he's Guby
- Jimmy, Joel. Jack, Paul many of the other locos
- Roberto
- Ralpha
- My softball sons - Christian, Many, Oliver
Going forward I've set
my goals (will keep that private) but over the years I've learned a few things
in softball/life that I will; apply in softball 2015 and beyond:
- People - Be kind to the people on the way up.
It's the same people you see on your way down.
- Softball is about winning, playing, challenges - If that ain't happening get out
- Like Ernie Banks famously said "You gotta be a man to play baseball, but you gotta have a lot of little boy in you. “ so important
- Follow the Love - good things will happen
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!