Baseball was made for the radio. The game's sometimes slow but dramatic pace allows a good radio announcer to capture your imagination by describing events as they unfolded. Moreover, an insightful radio host offers analysis and opinions that grabs your attention and strengthens you connection to your team. Over the last 20 years the radio has evolved into beyond simply broadcasting games.
Sports Talk Radio now dominates the airwaves as its format is devoted entirely to discussing the world of sports.
A popular format with an almost exclusively male demographic in most areas, sports radio is often characterized by loud, negative, confrontational, obnoxious, impulsive, boisterous, and goonish behavior/commentary by both the host and his loyal callers. I listen to Sports Talk Radio a lot and couldn't help but wonder:
What if Sports Talk Radio would cover the world of softball? So let's role play today, I will be the caller and ask a sports talk radio host a softball question and analyze the host :
Call #1
Caller : Mr Top Ten from Inwood
Host : Michale Kay
Question: Is it OK to pay pitchers in softball?
Kay response : Well the Yankees spend money to make money and they sign my paycheck so every answer I give you will always reference the Yankees even though you didn't ask about them b/c I am their shill.
Analysis: AVOID AVOID AVOID !!!!!!! Kay is not a bad TV baseball play by play guy and interviewer, but as sports talk show he sucks. He doesn't know anything about sports, has a personal agenda, is dull, and honestly I wouldn't even listen to or call into his show b/c I don't respect his poorly thought out and biased opinions.
Call #2
Caller : Ricky from Inwood
Host : Chris Russo
Caller Softball Question: What teams should I play on this year?
Russo Response : Anywhere except Sirius
Analysis: Russo classic goon shtick is based on yelling and pissing off callers. He made one of the worse career moves of all time going to Sirius radio, clearly the wrong team. So cancel your Sirius subscription like I did years ago and move on to the next host.
Call #3
Caller : Ricky from Union City
Hosts : Boomer and Carton
Caller Softball Question: Is it OK to tell ladies watching softball that I used to be the backup catcher for the Mariners in the 90s to pick up hot naive girls?
Boomer/Carton Response : Boomer would say No and Carton would say Yes. These two different personalities contrast each other nicely (classic format) and help your day get started with a smile.
Analysis: Not a hardcore sports talk show, but it's fun and a good way to start your day
Call #4
Caller : SoftballInsider
Host : Stephen A. Smith
Caller Softball Question: Yo fellow Insider! Whatup Playa!!! Keep it Real now and Holler at your boy : Is Softball better Above or Below 96th Street?
Smith's Response : Different Strokes for different folks son!!!
Analysis: Smith is both book and street smart. I really like his intelligent use of slang and strong opinions. If you ask me ESPN should fire that loser Kay and hire him.
Call #5
Caller : Ricky from Miami
Host : Sid Rosenberg
Caller Softball Question: Hi Sid. I'm like you a former NY living in Miami and it's great to hear you down here. I want to know is softball better in NY or Miami?
Rosenberg Response: I don't know, but Softball sure as hell is a lot more
fun in NY!
Analysis: Rosenberg is probably the best sports talk show host out there. He's zany, smart, fun, entertaining, and talented. He also has demons and skeletons, but has recovered nicely as a sports talk show host in Miami. I love a comeback. So I would trust his NY-Miami opinion.
Call #6
Caller : Life Long
Jet Fan RickyShow Host : Joe Bendigo
Caller Softball Question: Which championship will come first the Jets or Diesel?
Joe's Response: The Pain The Pain The Pain!!!!!!!
Analysis: He represents the most impatient and emotional goon callers out there, I mean the guy used to be a caller and became a Host. I overlook his flaws b/c of his love of the Jets and know he would understand the Diesel Big Apple pain.
Call #7
Caller : Mr Met Porn Star
Host : Evan Roberts (left below and Joe Bendigo's midday partner)
Caller Softball Question: Could the Mets win a softball championship?
Roberts Response: I'm a Jet/Met/Net fan and I just want to see one championship so sure maybe the Mets playing softball will get me a Chip.
Analysis: Roberts is mad young, gotta give him credit for becoming so successful so fast, but he's a little too nerdy for me. The guy keeps score at every Met game he goes to and he goes to like 60+ games a year! That's a red flag.
Call #8
Caller : Ricky from New York
Show Host : Mike and Mike in the Morning
Caller Softball Question: Is Modified Softball a Real Sport?
Mike and Mike response : Yes. They then would go on to explain the skill and dedication it requires to play.
Analysis: While they use that classic opposite personalities format, these guys are professional. I actually met them a few years ago while attending their show in Atlantic City. Very nice, approachable, and qualified.
Call #9
Caller : Ricky from Washington HeightsShow Host : Mike Francessa
Caller Softball Question: Hi Mike
First Time, Long Time and I love your show, but honestly I disagree with you always bashing Diesel. Please tell me what are their chances this year on Sundays?
Francessa Blunt Response : I don't bash Diesel. I say the truth. You've never won. Win one first and then talk. As for this season, if you decide what type of team you want to become, then you have a chance. Otherwise, same shit different year. Improve your pitching and defense and you will be right there at the end.
Analysis: He's arrogant, raw, blunt, and opinionated but he's a good listen. I disagree with him sometimes, but I can respect him b/c he doesn't come across as a phony.
OK I will hang up now and let you the readers talk and call in