Friday, March 2, 2012

Get Hooked, not HoodWinked

Do love softball in NYC, but feel Hoodwinked by leagues who conceal their true motives by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an unfair financial end at your expense? Here's an example of a co-ed league that pretends to offer a lot to its customers, but in reality ridiculously overprices their services and exploits the public :

Beginning Hoodwink Advertisement

  • 12 regular season games
  • 12 softballs
  • Officials for all games
  • Permits for the fields
  • All-Star game
  • Single Elimination Playoff Structure
  • End of season awards party
  • Prizes to the top teams.

Leagues are filling up fast! We are looking forward to a great 2012 spring season for our coed divisions, including our very successful new coed division introduced in 2011 - Just for Fun. League fees for most divisions this year are $2,295 per team, the only exception being the Coed I fee of $2,695 (Coed I plays exclusively in Central Park).
 End Hoodwink Advertisement

Love the line "Just for Fun", yeah right. They charge these outrageous prices because they can as they have a monopoly on the fields.  They think they have no real competition.

Until now

I love competition and I'm here to lift the cover off their price gouging hood and open up a affordable, better, and truly fun CO-ED league in Red Hook Brooklyn.

Here's my league's real honest benefits as compared to the Hoodwinking competition:
  • Cost: $1,250 That's Over $1,000 less than the competition.  < $1,000.  Damn that's good.
  • Significant Prizes for Champion and Runner Up. Significant.
  • 12 games - Could increase, if teams vote for 14/15 game season
  • Small 6 team league, where 5 teams make the playoffs. This will give your team personal attention and is preferable to joining a large league where you are only a dollar sign.
  • Two out of Three Playoff Structure in the semi-finals and championship.
  • Cost of Professional Umpires included. Our Officials have a passion for the game
  • Fields : Red Hook Brooklyn - Awesome quality dirt/grass field 
  • Always plenty of parking
  • Field is very safe and nice 5 minute walk from the G or F train. Speaking of train its 10 minutes from Wall street, 20-25 from midtown. So for about the same train ride you pay over $1,000 less? Great deal
  • A real commissioner who cares about provided real softball - Me
  • It's in Brooklyn. OK that's fair. But as mentioned above, it is extremely close to Manhattan. As a result, it is still an incredibly convenient alternative.
As you can see the Benefits far outweigh the so called Negatives. remember the only hustle in softball should be by the players on the field, not the league trying to rip you off.
Fight  the Power -Get Red Hooked, not Hoodwinked.

Please contact me at either or 646-337-3535 to discuss the genuinely fun softball opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. McCaren Park needs a week night cord league and it's easy to get there. Hook it up for there and I'm in
