Pitchers and catchers don't tell the hitter what pitch is about to be thrown b/c the element of surprise is to their advantage. However, sometimes inadvertently they send signals concerning the location or type of pitch about to be thrown, this is called
tipping pitches "TP". It may be something in the pitcher's posture, position on the rubber, how he holds or moves his glove, ball grip, or even some aspect of his pitching motion. Catcher's can be "TP" culprits as well by setting up way too early or falling in love with certain pitches or locations. The opposition is always on the lookout for "TP" b/c smart batters, runners, or coaches want to know what is coming and gain an edge .
In business
"making a pitch" is an expression to describe an attempt to promote or sell someone or something with the goal of generating revenue. Generally, you don't "tip" your hand (sales pitch) for several reasons like :
- The Competition - don't want them knowing what your up to until it's too late
- Product Knowledge
- Timing - seasonal , hourly, economic, etc
- Target Market needs
Some players and businesses don't care if they tip their pitches because they are simply too good or arrogant about their abilities and fear no competition. Well today I am going to go against the book as well and
tip my advertising blog pitch. I do this not from over-confidence or narcissism, but rather because I want it to work for everyone. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Me. My sponsors. My readers. This is a community. I have a responsibility to it and myself.
You see this forum has evolved over the years, at first I took a Dave
approach to the blog.
Chappelle was brilliant on his show, but he suddenly quit in the 3rd season at the height of its popularity after breaking up with his longtime writing partner, Neal Brennan. You see Dave and Neal always wrote/did the show like no one else was watching they just fed off of each others creativity and sheer comedy genius resulted. When the networks started
demanding that Dave be funny he quit. I always write all my blogs with one softball target in mind, my longtime partner and friend Juan "
Blonde "
Moreiras (seen below in his Fidel outfit )

he's taught me most of what I know about softball and life and if I captured his attention then I knew I was on point. That's still true but this blog has become more, much more, as now I have connected with some many people by using the sport I love to engage readers in a conversation about life.
Some classic examples include:
Now I've decided to add advertising space to this page. I've never ever tried to make money off my friends and I never will. This blog will never look like a Nascar
check that, I think I can find room for Danica
Advertising on the spot will only work if:
- No censorship.The blog is rated R, for Ricardo. It's me. Censoring Ricardo is like Censoring Porn!!! OUTRAGEOUS. I will let advertisers know this. Being able to diss the Mayor Bloomberg's of the world is the fuel that I need for the fire to burn and relieve all the tension inside of me
- I advertise for quality businesses that I trust and respect. This isn't a damn infomercial and I don't want to rip anyone off.It's gotta be legit and useful.
I have one advertiser signed on and will introduce him and his business to all of you in the near future. Hopefully, this will grow and we will all prosper as it's time to
face the facts, the economy sucks but these are the bullshit hands we've all been dealt. We've gotta take these cards and flip them ourselves, as we cannot expect any help from the government or anyone else for that matter. It's time to Hustle. We are in this together.
Right now I get over 5,000 Page views a month (not bad considering it was just me and Blonde in 2007), and I am asking my readership for feedback. That's why I tipped my advertising pitch. I want to know what type of services, products, stores, etc that you need and what kind of advertisers you want to see. It can be anything:
- Advertising Companies - Cards, flyer's, banners, banners, signs makers
- Clothes
- Sports Equipment, bats, gloves, jersey's, bikes, ski equipment
- Workout facilities - gyms, cages
- Tax Services
- Budgeting
- Pet supplies
- Websites development
- etc
Please feel free to either send me an email at Rickysoftball2@yahoo.com or leave a comment on this posting. The possibilities are promising and knowing this information ahead of time is almost as exciting as knowing when a change up is coming. Almost